Transfers Checkout

Here's how to add Transfers Checkout to your app or website


Transfers Checkout is a simple way to initiate instant bank transfers payments directly within your application.


You can add Transfers Checkout to your project like this:

<script src=""></script>

If your project is a mobile app built with native technologies, you can use a Web View to load an HTML page that will have the above code.


To initialise Transfers Checkout:

    siteName: "<your site or app name>",
    siteUrl: "<your site url>",
    siteLogo: "<url to your logo>",
    publicKey: "<your Transfers public key>"

Create transfer charge

To create a transfer charge to any bank account:

const result = await Transfers.charge({
    signature: "<not your signature token - a signature that verifies you're initiating a transaction>",
    amount: "<how much you want to charge in Naira>",
    userId: "<a unique identifier for your user>",
    destinationAccountNumber: "<recipient account number>",
    destinationBankCode: "<recipient bank code>",
    transactionReference: "<a unique identifier for your transaction>",
    name: "optional: <the sender's full name if you want us to ensure that they're sending from their own bank account>"

Charge request signature

For us to know that a request to charge a bank account is truly coming from you and not a bad actor, you must pass the Transfers charge function a signature.

Use the Signature Token provided to you during the onboarding process to generate a signature that is a hex digest of an HMAC-SHA256 hash of your charge arguments:


Make sure the amount_kobo in your payload is in kobo and is casted to an integer. For instance, if you're trying to charge 500.32 Naira as your amount, the amount_kobo should be 50032 (and should not be the floating point equivalent e.g do not use 50032.0)

// Ruby example for generating a charge request signature

payload = "#{payment.user_id}:#{payment.reference}:#{payment.amount_kobo}:#{payment.destination_account_number}:#{payment.destination_bank_code}"
OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', ENV['TRANSFERS_SIGNATURE_TOKEN'], payload)
  1. You should never make your signature token public.

  2. You should never generate your charge request signature on the client-side. Always request the signature from your server and pass it into Transfers.

Charge to your default settlement account

You can also create a transfer charge to your pre-registered default settlement account:

const result = Transfers.chargeToDefaultAccount({
    signature: "<a signature that verifies you're initiating a transaction>",
    amount: "<how much you want to charge in Naira>",
    userId: "<a unique identifier for your user>",
    transactionReference: "<a unique identifier for your transaction>",
    name: "optional: <the sender's full name if you want us to ensure that they're sending from their own bank account>"


If the transfer charge was successfully created, then result will be:

{ paymentId: "<the transaction reference you passed in earlier>"}

You shouldn't give your users value at this point. That should be done on the server-side and will be explained in the next section of this guide.

If the transfer charge fails or the user closes Transfers Checkout, then result will be:


Last updated

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